Thursday, November 4, 2010

20 years (day 13)

Last night one of my buddies from the Keystone treatment center called; we talk about once a week (for the past two years). He told a story of attending a meeting at which a guy got a 20-year coin. Twenty years of sobriety! The guy told his story, and just hearing the tone of wonderment in my buddy's voice was an inspiration to me last night (which I really needed, since I face a divorce court hearing today).

The guy had ruined one marriage with his sex addiction (just as I have), and almost ruined a second. But one night the guy got drunk and confessed to his second wife and asked for help. And 20 years later, they are still together. Yet the guy says that after all this sobriety he still faces temptation every day. He lives and works in Manhattan, home to some of the most beautiful and best-dressed women in the world. The guy said he spends a lot of time staring at his shoe-tops as he walks around the city. And when he does look, he says a prayer for that woman. And when that's not enough, he gets to a meeting or makes a phone call to a friend in the program.

As they say in 12-step, "It's a simple program, but it's not easy!" One day at a time ... for 20 years!

That gives me ....


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